Slow Food für Besseresser! Handgemachte Ravioli mit Ziegenkäse. Ein Rezept aus dem Cilento.


Gino aus dem Cilento ist ein leidenschaftlicher Koch und produziert zusammen mit seiner Großfamilie in der eigenen Landwirtschaft fast alles selbst, was auf die Tische seines gut gehenden Restaurants kommt.

Der Italiener gehört der Slow-Food-Bewegung an und ergänzt gerne alte Rezepte mit neuen kreativen Ideen. Für unsere Sommerküche hat er handgemachte Ravioli mit Ziegenkäse ausgewählt (das Rezept ist auf Englisch).

Handmade ancient grain “Senatore Cappelli” ravioli stuffed with goat cheese

At our restaurant we serve dishes belonging to the Cilento traditional cuisine made using only the products we produce at our farm. So, eating our ravioli means discover that traditional cuisine, that was poor but healthy, and that was characterized by few ingredients but of high quality.

The main ingredients of our ravioli are: the ancient grain flour “Senatore Cappelli” and our fresh cacioricotta – a tasty Slow Food Presidium.


For the dough:
500 gr “Senatore Cappelli” flour
3 eggs
100 ml water

For the stuffing:
300gr fresh goat cheese
3 eggs


In a bowl, combine flour with eggs, water and a inch of salt.

Put the mixture on a flour-dusted work surface and knead just until a smooth dough forms. Cut the dough into 4 equal pieces and cover with plastic wrap.

Work with 1 piece at a time: flatten the dough with a rolling pin or with a pasta machine until it is thin enough for you to see the outline of your hand through it.

Now prepare the stuffing stirring together the fresh goat cheese, some chopped parsley and 3 eggs until the mixture becomes creamy.

Quick, please!

Working quickly, place rounded teaspoonfuls of filling in apart over half of pasta sheet.

Brush around filling with water to moisten. Fold sheet over; press down to seal. Cut into squares with a pastry wheel. Repeat with remaining dough and filling.

In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook the ravioli over high heat for about 3 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the ravioli into a pan with warmed tomato sauce just for few time and then serve.

Mehr Über Gino und sein Haus

Im schönen Cilento befindet sich übrigens auch unser Bio-Agriturismo!

PferdewagenUrlaub in den Vogesen
Bio-Agriturismo im schönen Cilento

Weitere Sommerrezepte:

Rezept aus Portugal
Rezept aus Korfu

2 Antworten

  1. Pingback: Altes Rezept aus den Tiroler Bergen
  2. Pingback: Ein altes korfiotisches Rezept - Skordalia

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